There are certain rolls that simply dont hold up mathematically with real life odds. For example, if your first roll has 2 of a kind, you have 2 rolls of 3 dice to get another of the same number. The odds should have it to where the majority of the time, you get a 3rd dice of the number. However, your chances are more like 1 in 3 on this game. Ive also had several endings where I maybe needed 2 5s for example, and had sometimes 9 rolls to get it - and wouldnt. This is almost impossible and should be very rare, but its happened over and over. To me it seems the game is not generating random rolls each time, but determines (for better or worse, depending) ahead of your roll what it will or will not give you. As another example, Ive only played the game about 200 times. And Ive had numerous games where either me or my opponent had 3 Yahtzees in one game. The odds of it happening even once is 217,000+ to 1. So, something is off with the "randomness".
chris.wildcats about Yatzy Addict, v1.4